Claudia Lavalle

Lawyer Claudia Lavalle
Place and date of birth
Bari - 14/12/1994Master's Degree in Law
Awarded the grade of grade of 110/110 with honours at the University of Bari Aldo Moro on 23/07/2018 for thesis on Criminal Law entitled "Riforma Orlando: Remedial conduct and extinction of the offence under ex Article 162 ter of the Penal Code"Area of activity
Criminal lawSpecialisation
Offences against Public Administration and Professional Liability
EnglishPostgraduate courses and/or qualifications
Completed short Masters degree in "Selected Issues of EU taxation as EU law" at the University of Bari - Aldo Moro; Internship at Co.Re.Com - Puglia "Alternative dispute resolution for the protection of consumers and small enterprises"
FPS - Law firm