Roberto Eustachio Sisto

Lawyer Roberto Eustachio Sisto
Place and date of birth
Bari - 12/08/1987Master's Degree in Law
Awarded the grade of 110/110 cum laude in 2011 at the University of Bari Aldo Moro for thesis on criminal procedural law entitled "The usability of wiretapping in correlation with the events of the indictment." Joined Bari Law Society on 15/10/2014.Area of activity
Criminal lawSpecialisation
- Crimes against public administration
- Environmental offences
- Offences against banks
- Administrative liability pursuant to ex Legislative Decree 231/2001
- Professional liability
EnglishPostgraduate courses and/or qualifications
Short Master's degree in "Environmental protection and combatting ecomafias and eco-crimes" at the University of Bari Aldo Moro and at the Legione Allievi Guardia di Finanza in Bari.
Speaker at the conference 'Gagging complaints and threats to reporters,‘ which took place at the National Federation of the Italian Press Headquarters in Rome
Speaker on the webinar "Simplification tools in corporate liability" held by the National Consortium for the recycling of polyethylene waste (PolieCo).
FPS - Law firm